Professor Matti Skoog
Åbo Akademi & Stockholm University
CV (in short)
Professor Matti Skoog
Åbo Akademi University & Stockholm University
Selection of published papers and book chapters
”Mobilizing change through the management control of intangibles” Johanson, Mårtensson, Skoog, Accounting, Organization and Society, 26 (2001) 715-733
“Visualizing value creation through the management control of intangibles” Skoog, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol 4, No.4 (2003), pp 487-504
“Management control transformations: Change mechanisms and their constant impact on management control systems” Almqvist & Skoog, Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, Vol.10 No.3, (2006) pp.132-154
“The Japanese Government’s intellectual capital reporting guideline: What are the challenges for firms and capital market agents?” Johanson, Koga, Skoog, Henningsson, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol.7 No.4, (2006) pp. 474-491
“Balancing dilemmas of the balanced scorecard” Johanson, Skoog, Backlund, Almqvist, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol.19 No.6, (2006) pp.842-857
”Management control: a concept in constant transformation”, Skoog, in Work Health and Management Control, Edited by Johanson, Ahonen and Roslender, Thomson Publishers (2007)
“Colliding discourses? New Public Management from an Intellectual Capital perspective”, Almqvist and Skoog in Intellectual Capital Revisited – Paradoxes in the Knowledge Intensive Organization, Edited by: Catasus & Chaminade, Edward Elgar (2007)
”Breaking Taboos –implementing Intellectual Asset-based Management Guidelines” Johanson, Koga, Almqvist, Skoog: Journal of Intellectual Capital Volume 10, No. 4, (2009)
“The communication of human accounts – examining models of sense giving”, Catasus, Mårtensson, Skoog: Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 13, 2, (2009)
“Towards the next generation of public management - A study of management control and communication in the Swedish Armed Forces” Catasus, Almqvist, Skoog: International Journal of public Sector Management , 24(2), 122-145, (2011)
“Knowledge balance sheets in Austrian universities: The implementation, use, and re-shaping of measurement and management practices” Habersam, Piber, Skoog, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Volume 24, Issues 4–5, June 2013, Pages 319–337 (2013)
“Making sense of the temporal dimension of intellectual capital: A critical case study” Giuliani & Skoog. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, In press, available online since 24 April 2017
“Ten Years of Using Knowledge Balance Sheets in Austrian Public Universities – A retrospective and prospective view” Habersam, Piber, Skoog, Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 19 Issue: 1, pp.34-52 (2018)
“Accounting, Performance Management Systems and Accountability Changes in Knowledge-Intensive Public Organizations: A literature review and research agenda” Grossi, Kallio, Sargiacomo and Skoog, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. Accepted for publication in Vol.32 Issue3. (2019)
”Att mäta och styra verksamheten – modeller med fokus på icke-materiella resurser”, Johanson & Skoog, Uppsala Publishing House (2001)
”Verksamhetsstyrning – för förändring, förbättring och utveckling”, Johanson & Skoog, Liber (2007).
”Perspektiv på ekonomistyrning”, Jannesson & Skoog (Edt), Liber (2013)
”Integrerad verksamhetsstyrning” Johanson & Skoog, Studentlitteratur (2015)
”Boken om Ekonomistyrning” Almqvist, Graaf, Jannesson, Parment & Skoog, Studentlitteratur (2016)
Other formal research reports and book chapters
”SDN-reformen i Stockholms stad – en studie av gaturenhållningen och parkskötseln”, Matti Skoog, IKE rapport 2001:109, 2001, Stockholm University
”Styrning, effektivitet och ansvar vid försvarsmakten – en pilotstudie”, Matti Skoog & Anders Grönlund, Akademin för ekonomistyrning i staten, Akademirapport 2004:01
”En trovärdig försvarsmakt – Strategisk verksamhetsstyrning och FM:s interna styrprocesser med särskilt fokus på effektivitet ur ett vidare samhälls och medborgarperspektiv”, Matti Skoog, Roland Almqvist och Anders Grönlund, Akademirapport 2004:3
”Utvärdering av projektet ’ett bättre jobb’ med fokus på Investors in People (IIP)”, Matti Skoog, Ulf Johanson och Peder Hård af Segerstad, IPF Uppsala, på uppdrag av Svenska Kommunförbundet, 2004
”Från projekt till process – en utvärdering av kompetensfondens kunskapsspridning och dess effekter i Stockholms Stad”, Matti Skoog, 2007: 131, IKE, Stockholm University
“Intellektuellt Kapital – från teoretisk idé till praktisk användning” Matti Skoog, Kapitel 3.9, sid 1-12 Bonnier Ledarskapshandböcker, februari 2009.
”Styrutmaningar i skolans mål och resultatuppföljning” Matti Skoog, kapitel 11 i ”Ledarskap i skolan – scener från en skollednings vardag” Jan Lövstedt (RED.), 2015 Studentlitteratur.
”Integrerad verksamhetsstyrning” Matti Skoog, Kapitel 5 i ”Redovisning för hållbarhet” Gunnar Rimmel (RED) 2018, Sonoma.
Scientific assignments
Member of the Editorial team in “Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal”
Member of the Editorial board in “Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial
Management” (PBAFM)
Special Issue co-editor for Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal,
Forthcoming in 2019 and the Journal of Human resource Costing & Accounting 2010
Reviewer for Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Reviewer for a special issue of Management Accounting Research
Scientific evaluator of a research project regarding performance measurement and management executed by KPMG (US) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign (UIUC)
Member of the finalizing expert panel discussion at the 2nd Workshop on visualizing
Measuring, and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Maastricht, 2006
Member of Editorial advisory Board, Journal of Human resource Costing &
Accounting (HRCA), Emerald
Reviewer for conference papers at EIASM – workshops, EAA-congresses and APIRA conferences and chair at several seminars at international conferences and workshops.
Faculty opponent at PhD dissertations at NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Nord University (Norway), Uppsala University, Mälardalen University (Sweden), and Lunds University.
External tenure track evaluator for the University of Tampere (Finland) and Nord University (Norway)
External evaluator for PhD graduation and external tenure track evaluator for the University of Sydney
Examination committee chair at 2 dissertations at Åbo Akademi University
Member of the International Programme Committee at the XVI International Scientific Symposium SymOrg 2018 ”Doing business in the Digital Age: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions” in Belgrade.
International research collaboration and positions
1998-2002 MERITUM - Measuring intangibles to understand and improve innovative management. A European research project that was funded jointly by the European Union and the OECD. Resulted in a set of guidelines named: “Guidelines for managing and reporting on intangibles”
1999 Visiting PhD student at Stern School of Business, New York University, USA. Supervisor: Professor Baruch Lev
2005 – ”Reporting, Measuring and Managing Intellectual Capital in Japan” Mälardalen University, School of Business in corporation with Kobe University, Japan
“Work Health and Management Control” SALTSA funded project:
Mälardalen University in corporation with “Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki Finland and Herriot-Watt University, Scotland
2010- “Knowledge balance sheets in Austrian universities” Innsbruck University & Stockholm Business School
2011- “Studies in the consumption of accounting - the relevance and transformation of scorecards in Australian knowledge intensive organizations” Sydney University & Stockholm Business School
2013- “Perspectives on Performance” Innsbruck University and Stockholm Business School
2017- ”Hållbara prestationer – resultat och effektmätning i styrningen av upplevelsedrivna korttidsbesök i Östersjön” Åbo Akademi & Uppsala universitet
2017 - “Sustainable resilience policies and inter-organizational performance control designs: Case studies in the city of Turku with a comparative approach to Stockholm and other large Finnish city’s” Åbo Akademi, Tampere University and Stockholm Business School.
2006 Visiting professor at Innsbruck University
2008/2009 Visiting professor at Sydney University
2009/2010 Visiting professor at Innsbruck University
2011/2012 Visiting professor at Sydney University
2015/2016 Visiting professor at Innsbruck University
– Challenges and Possibilities
Friday, August 16, 2019