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Professor Dr. Barbara Wasson

Head of Counselling and Study Information, Aarhus University

Professor Dr. Barbara Wasson is Director of the Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE) and Professor of Pedagogical Information Science at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway.  She has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Education where she worked with a content planning agent for an intelligent tutoring system. She was one of the founders of Kaleidoscope, a European Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning. Wasson is/has been PI for numerous national and international projects and has over 120 publications on Technology Enhanced Learning. Her research interests include interaction design, computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL), mobile learning, learning games, intelligent tutoring systems, assessment, teacher inquiry, learning analytics, and pedagogical agents.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


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