Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning, E0101
Track B: Education in a Digital Perspective
Would You Recognize a MOOC If You Saw One?
Professionals in the field of higher education have been hearing about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for several years now, but have you ever been called upon to evaluate them for transfer credit? If the answer is “yes”, have you come up with an evaluation methodology that works for you? Or do you simply dismiss them as non-formal learning? During this session we will look at MOOCs and other types of digital learning that have become popular in the past 10 years, including what is being offered, in what form, and by whom. Recent European initiatives are exploring a methodology that can be used to recognize digital learning, provided certain conditions are met. During this session we will take a look at this methodology and discuss whether the proposed guidelines can be applied in daily practice.