11:00 –11:45
Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning, E0101
Track B: Education in a Digital Perspective
Automatic Recognition
– a Necessity or Nuisance?
By 2020, all countries within the European Higher Education area will be required at a national level to automatically recognize each other’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. What are the implications of this for the higher education institutions? What are the implications of this when it comes to legal certainty? Both ENIC/NARIC-offices and higher education institutions make assessments today for individuals. These assessments are based on proven methodology and take into account the authen-ticity of the documents presented as well as other individual circumstances. Automatic recognition may seem as an easy way for the applicant to prove a required competence. But are there any pitfalls to be aware of? And how can we make the receiver of these automatically issued recognitions aware of these pitfalls? A discussion between a national ENIC/NARIC and a university representative about the pros and cons.